healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of Health Redevelopment Masterplans

Long-range consolidation masterplanning addressing multiple campuses | Completed 2015
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO In collaboration with B+H Architects, kmd was engaged to develop a long-range master plan for the three largest public hospitals in the Caribbean island nation of Trinidad & Tobago. For this long-range planning project, developed for the Ministry of Health and supported by an international consultant team that developed a Strategic Future Vision Plan and a Master Program for 5, 10 and 25 year milestone development timelines, kmd served as the project master planning architect.
The hospitals—Port of Spain General Hospital, Eric Williams Medical Science Complex and San Fernando General Hospital—represent a range of urban and rural settings in the most populated regions of the country for which the master plan team’s goal was to strategically and efficiently consolidate, redistribute and prepare long term growth strategies for 25-year timeline replacement hospitals. The replacement hospitals included growth for existing service lines, new services lines and modernization strategies for new campus construction totaling between 1.5 and 1.7 million SF for each hospital.
The goal of this unprecedented project was to not only establish the framework for healthy and safe hospital campuses but to also contribute to sustainable cities and long term urban development.