healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
Solano County Government Center

FAIRFIELD, CALIFORNIA, USA Housing more than 600 county employees, the Solano County Government Center consolidates the administrative and office functions of 16 public agencies into one centralized facility. KMD provided bridging documentation for the 300,000 SF, six-story facility. The project includes a 1,050-stall free standing parking structure, a 42,500 SF adjoining Probation Building, site development and all of the associated design sub-consultant work. KMD's architectural design services focused on delivering the Master Architect’s design intent, confirming the County’s programming, tenant space planning documentation, site design documentation, construction administration and post-occupancy evaluations. KMD supervised, managed and conducted peer reviews for the construction documents the design team created and worked with the design-build team to ensure fulfillment of the design intent. KMD’s suggestion to retain the services of a green building consultant led to the project’s LEED certification.
2006 First Place, ASHRAE Technology Award
California Integrated Waste Management Board - Waste Reduction Award
DBIA - National Design-Build Merit Award, Public Sector Building $15M+