healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
Kern County Justice Facility

BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, USA KMD Justice (in association with HMC Architects) was part of a design-build competition team with Hensel Phelps for Kern County’s new Justice Facility. The 27.91-acre project site is part of the larger County-owned (approx. 300-acre) Lerdo Detention Facility located five miles outside of metropolitan Bakersfield, California.
The project included housing for 822 medium security inmates; central plant; site development (security fencing, extension of an connection to public and County, Lerdo complex, utility systems, new electrical service and distribution system) including pedestrian walkways, staff and visitor parking, landscaping and site lighting; roadway realignment, a new entry guard house, drainage improvements, fencing and utility connections.