healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
Bertschi School Living Science Building

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, USA This project is an elementary school science wing building meeting the Living Building Challenge 2.0. All of the project’s design and pre-construction services were performed pro-bono. The building envelope is a highly-insulated wood stud framed wall with environmentally safe insulation, FSC certified and regionally sourced wood. Insulating curtain walls and storefront systems were used for the glazing which provided a low-u value and high transmittance of visible light. There are two types of roofs on this building; a metal roof and green roof. The metal roof is reflective and recycled and is used to capture all the on-site rainwater. The green roof also helps to reduce heat island effect while treating storm water. All of these materials were chosen because of their low environmental impact from their recycled content and local sourcing, to the reduction in building energy they will provide.
Living Building 2.0
AIA Seattle What Makes It Green Award
AIA Education Design Award
USGBC Best of Green Schools Award