healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
FEMA Disaster Operations Center

Vegetated Roof | 165,000 SF | Secure Facility | Meets ISC Critical Level IV Security & Blast Requirements
WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA, USA KMD was selected by FEMA and GSA to design this $30 million Disaster Operations Center—the second largest FEMA facility in the country after the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The four-story, 165,000 SF highly secure operations center, features a screen wall composed of locally ‘harvested’ (site-recycled) limestone cladding—in addition to the precast concrete panels, aluminum curtain wall, and high-performance glazing systems. The mission-critical facility is designed to meet ISC Critical Level IV Security and Blast Requirements. Facility amenities include a secured amphitheater, roof garden, and a park-like setting, featuring a naturalistic water retention system utilizing bioswale technology. The first LEED Certified commercial building in the County sustainable features include extensive access to daylighting and views, exterior sun shading and screening devices and operable windows. Design-build with Cowperwood.
The project is LEED Certified and was a Silver Medalist winner in the 2009 Excellence in Government Awards Program.