healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
University Medical Center & Children's Hospital

231,769 SF New | 106,00 SF Renovation | Teaching Hospital | Surgery | Level 1 Trauma Center | 2012
EL PASO, TEXAS, USA kmd assisted El Paso County’s conversion of the former Thomason General Hospital into an academic teaching hospital for the recently established Texas Tech University Paul Foster School of Medicine and the flagship for an ambitious city redevelopment project, the Medical Center of the Americas. In addition, kmd envisioned, planned and designed the new El Paso Children’s Hospital. Fitting the hospital on the very small available site opened the opportunity to create a large pavilion to combine services for women and children into one, eleven story building with two distinct entrances and circulation systems.
The El Paso Children's Hospital features all private pediatric rooms, a 22-bed pediatric intensive care floor, a 50-bed neonatal intensive care unit, hematology/oncology services, operating rooms dedicated for children, rehabilitation and full-floor shell for future growth. The pediatric emergency room shares a trauma center with its adult counterpart to insure the highest level of care for all.
"Through extensive use of bright colors and artwork selected and commissioned for both adult and pediatric spaces, the new El Paso Children's Hospital captures the essence of El Paso's unique geographical location and the blend of cultures along the border,” said Project Principal for kmd Jim Diaz, an El Paso native.
With associate architect, MNK Architects.