healing : workplace : government/public : hospitality : mixed-use : living : inside : learning : justice : master planning
Duke University Children's Health Center

DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, USA KMD was retained to plan and design a new Children’s Hospital at the Duke University Medical Center through new construction and the remodel of more than 150,000 square feet of space with in the existing hospital. This new 95,000 SF, five-story ambulatory care facility serves as the major specialty referral center for infants and children of North Carolina. The Welcome Center atrium serves as the access point for all pediatric specialty clinics and services, includes retail shops and provides for support programs such as imaging, registration and pharmacy. Existing adult inpatient care units were transformed from adult to children’s care, including spaces of respite and activities in panels and sidings. A major renovation project of 100,000 SF created a new PICU, NICU, Birth Center and Post Partum Units for 6,500 annual births.
Healthcare Design Magazine Honorable Mention Award
Award of Excellence, Project of the Year